Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Spelling Bee

Today we held our school Splling Bee. Prior to today's bee, studnets in grades 4-8 participatid in classroom bees and the top spellers from each grade were selected for the Shcool Bee. We had 19 spellers who, togethear, got through 24 rounds of words before a winner emerged. Congradulations to 8th grader, Edyta C. for winning the 2012 Saint Mary School Spelling Bee! It was wodnerful to witness so many fabulus spellers but the absolute BEST part was watching competing spellers cheer on, high five and be proud of each other (thanks 4th graders for the great signs!) Big thanks to Mrs. Carson for organizing and runnig the Spelling Bee!

*There is a special treat for the first studnet to tell me how many spelling errors are in my post today! :)