Saturday, September 10, 2011

Camp Edwards

September 9, 2011
I was so happy to be able to participate in part of our 7th graders' trip to Camp Edwards! The growth, both academically and spiritually, that happened in the context of God's beautiful landscape was nothing short of amazing. In addition to the teaching and learning that took place, there was also time for a lot of FUN! How about that zipline?! (Thanks for taking this video, Wyatt!) The very best part for me was getting to know more about the seventh graders, as people and thinkers. What an impressive group! Seventh graders - I hope that the kindness and support that I witnessed from you at Camp Edwards is transferred to our school as you model Christian behavior for our younger students. Your junior high years are certainly off to a great start!

Thursday, September 8, 2011


September 2, 2011

Just a message for the BEST students in the world:  What a week!  We've had many "firsts" together this week ... our first All School Mass, our first Special Foods Day, many of you had your first test or quiz of the year, there is certainly a lot to be thankful for. I want to thank you for being such great kids!  It was hot these last couple days - really hot - and you were amazing. There was no complaining or begrudging the grades that have A/C. I saw students (and teachers!) making the best of their time together, being creative and flexible (it's amazing how many types of lessons can be taught from the air-conditioned writing lab or lunchroom!) and using instructional minutes in very meaningful ways. I've said it before and it really is true: There is absolutely NO LIMIT to what we can achieve together!


August 22, 2011

Good morning teachers, boys and girls.  Welcome back to Saint Mary on our first day of school!
This is a special day for us - we are starting a new journey together.  Over the next 10 months we will think, wonder, discover, learn and grow ... together.  We will explore new ideas, make mistakes, try again, and have huge successes ... together.  I am so happy to be here with all of you!  Your teachers have worked so hard to make this year a great one for you, so be good to them, and make sure you thank your parents because they have prepared you so well for today.
This year I want all of us to try our best everyday.  I want us to enjoy the year together and be proud  of our accomplishments.  The year starts today!  So put on your thinking caps and get ready to work hard - there is no limit to what we can achieve together!  We ask for God's blessings on our journey in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.